Weight Management & Nutrition

Scientific evidence strongly and unanimously supports weight management programs involving diet modification and the right exercise for managing the symptoms and progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA). A reduction in your weight can markedly reduce knee pain and decrease the rate of your knee’s deterioration. Eating well with balanced nutrition is a big part of weight management, and it can also assist with other aspects of health and disease prevention.

About Diet Programs

The bulk of significant favourable clinical evidence rests with the more established brands, such as Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Whilst it appears that Omega-3 acids are not specifically effective in treating knee osteoarthritis, they are nonetheless an important part of a healthy diet, and have been shown to play a part in controlling inflammation generally.

Diet & Nutrition

The scientific evidence strongly supports good nutrition and diet in general, as it directly impacts the health of all bodily systems and functions. A healthy diet will help you maintain a healthy body weight, which is critical for effective treatment of knee OA.

Weight Management

Research has shown that a 10% weight reduction can produce a 50% decrease in your knee pain. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that a loss of 0.25% of your body weight per week will give you noticeable pain reduction.

Ready to get started?

Our friendly staff are always here to help. Contact us to begin your journey to a happier, healthier you.